

Notice for the support of industrial research projects, experimental development, process or organizational innovation aimed at implementing the innovative ideas selected with the Call titled "LR 22/2022, Article 7, Paragraphs 56 - 61: Competition Notice for the Awarding of Innovative Ideas in the Life Sciences Sector" dated 30/01/2024.

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Partnership's Research

Discover ideas with access to up to 150,000 euros in financing

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The initiative

IDEAS 4 INNOVATION is an initiative aimed at promoting collaboration between private and public entities within the Life Sciences ecosystem in Friuli Venezia Giulia. This measure is part of efforts to attract investments, support innovative startups, and implement research, development, and innovation projects in the regional Life Sciences sector (LR 22/2022). The objective is to transform the innovative ideas that win the Call for Ideas into research, development, and innovation projects to be carried out jointly with companies, innovative startups, spin-offs, universities, research organizations, and healthcare and research institutions based in the regional territory. Each research project can receive funding of up to a maximum of 150,000 euros. The selected projects must be carried out in the territory of Friuli Venezia Giulia.

The subjects

IDEAS 4 INNOVATION is aimed at:

  • Companies, innovative startups, and spin-offs that are winners of the Call for Ideas FVG
  • Micro, small, medium, and large enterprises, innovative startups, spin-offs
  • Universities established in Friuli Venezia Giulia
  • Research organizations 
  • Healthcare and research facilities 
Participants must be established in Friuli Venezia Giulia or intend to establish their headquarters or operational unit in the regional territory before the start of the project.

Collaborative Projects

* The application to participate in the notice can only be submitted by the 11 winning companies of the first edition of the Call 4 Ideas FVG. 

Are you a company, university, research organization, or research facility? Find your partner among the 11 innovative ideas selected from the Call for Ideas to jointly develop a research and development project.

Call for proposalsScarica le istruzioni

Innovation Areas

Discover the Innovation Areas of Booster for Life Science – TRL Advancement.

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Systems and solutions for health maintenance and care support

Nutraceuticals, dietary supplements, functional foods, medical nutrition, and functional cosmetics

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Innovative biomedical solutions and systems

Integrated development of medical devices

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Solutions and systems for innovative therapies

Integrated development of drugs and biopharmaceuticals (biotech) for personalized and sustainable medicine

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Solutions and systems for active & assisted living to support frailty

Integrated development of innovative technological solutions for living environments, for health monitoring and care of fragile individuals


Who can participate in Booster for Life Science - TRL Advancement?

SMEs and large companies, startups, spin-offs, universities, and research institutions.

Read all the FaQs

Call for Proposals

Download the Call for Proposals


Technology areas

#Medical Devices#Artificial Intelligence #Nutraceuticals #Functional Cosmeceuticals #In Vitro #Innovative Therapies #Teleassistance #Wearable Technologies #Telemedicine #ATMP #HPC #Drug Discovery #Drug Repurposing
#Biologic Drugs
#Big Medical Data
#Regenerative Medicine
#Cell Therapies
#Dietary Supplements

Who we are

The Life Sciences Cluster is an organization managed by the Alto Adriatico Technological Pole, aimed at fostering the development of the Life Sciences ecosystem in Friuli Venezia Giulia. The Cluster plays a leading role in building relationships between regional industrial and research sectors in Life Sciences, promoting innovation, entrepreneurship, and business opportunities. The Cluster contributes to developing a virtuous ecosystem and making Friuli Venezia Giulia a center of excellence for research and innovation, as well as an attractive territory for researchers and entrepreneurial entities.

The Andrea Galvani Alto Adriatico Technological Pole is more than just an incubator certified by MIMIT: it is the engine that has been bringing entrepreneurial ideas to life since 2002 in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region and beyond. By providing tools and resources, it guides companies in the technological, commercial, and economic evaluation of their projects. Its relationships with institutions, administrations, research centers, and industrial associations testify to its commitment to building high-impact projects for the region, supporting sustainable growth on various fronts: economic, environmental, and social.